B.S.P. i R. "Energoprojekt Katowice" S.A.
carried out a project co-financed by European Funds "EPKogeneracja - construction of a low-emission installation for energy production in high-efficiency cogeneration for the Energoprojekt Katowice office complex in Katowice".
The goal of the project was to increase the share of energy production in high-efficiency cogeneration. The indirect objectives were to improve air quality by reducing dust and greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions, thereby reducing the negative impact of emitted pollutants on the health of the region's residents, and to disseminate and promote high-efficiency cogeneration among the local population and the company's customers. The Project contributed to a decrease in energy costs, which improved the Company's financial performance and thus allowed it to increase its competitiveness. An important aspect of the Project was to serve to increase the security of energy supply and improve the country's energy balance by, among other things, reducing transmission losses.
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund for priority axis: IV. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and low-carbon economy under Measure 4.4.
High-efficiency cogeneration under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020.
The cost of the investment, is PLN 2,670,330.00 net.
EU subsidy for the project: PLN 1,012,380 net.
carried out a project co-financed by European Funds "EPKogeneracja - construction of a low-emission installation for energy production in high-efficiency cogeneration for the Energoprojekt Katowice office complex in Katowice".
The goal of the project was to increase the share of energy production in high-efficiency cogeneration. The indirect objectives were to improve air quality by reducing dust and greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions, thereby reducing the negative impact of emitted pollutants on the health of the region's residents, and to disseminate and promote high-efficiency cogeneration among the local population and the company's customers. The Project contributed to a decrease in energy costs, which improved the Company's financial performance and thus allowed it to increase its competitiveness. An important aspect of the Project was to serve to increase the security of energy supply and improve the country's energy balance by, among other things, reducing transmission losses.
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund for priority axis: IV. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and low-carbon economy under Measure 4.4.
High-efficiency cogeneration under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020.
The cost of the investment, is PLN 2,670,330.00 net.
EU subsidy for the project: PLN 1,012,380 net.