
Polish Power Engineers Championship in the 10 km run

The Skawiński Run took place on 13th May. The Polish Power Engineers Championship in the 10 km run are held within the Skawiński Run. Franciszek Marek and Michał Warzyc attended the Championship.

The Skawiński Run - is a cyclic event organized since 2002 by the "Jedynka" Sports Club in Skawina. The program of the event includes: main run at a distance of 10 km, roller skate run at a distance of 9 km and runs for children and youth. Within the main run the Polish Power Engineers Championship and the Skawina Municipal Championship in the run at the distance of 10 km are held. The track is certified by PZLA. It is easy with small overheight is one of the fastests in Poland. It is excellent for beating life records. The track record is 29 minutes and 13 seconds and belongs to Polish runner Henryk Szost. We heartily congratulate our runners!